By running events throughout the year HHJSA are able to raise an incredible amount of funds which can then be used by the school. Recently we were able to donate £5000 towards rejuvenating and repairing the school pond meaning that this is now safe for the children to visit and interact with. We have also been able to fund for Year 3 to visit the local theatre this year as a Christmas treat.
In addition to attending and helping at events there are many other ways you can support the HHJSA and school...
1. Our School Lottery. Join us by buying a ticket for our school lottery each week. A percentage of the money raised goes to the PTA and the rest is used to pay out CASH prizes if your numbers come up! Support Hampton Hill Junior School when you play Your School Lottery - Your School Lottery
2. Giving Machine. Sign up to the Giving Machine using code 120998. When you shop through the giving machine with your normal vendors the school receives a commission from your purchase! It doesn't cost you any extra!
3. Purchase something from the school wishlist. Each year group has their own Amazon wishlist with items that enrich their learning journey with the school. The links to these wishlists are: